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Переводы русской литературы
Translations of Russian literature

Pushkin House (Пушкинскому дому) by A. Blok

Оригинал на рус. яз.

Name of Pushkin House
The Academy of Sciences!
The sound is clear and familiar,
Not an empty sound for the heart!

This is — call ice drift
At the solemn river,
Roll call of the ship
With steamer away.

This — the ancient Sphinx, looking
After slow wave,
bronze horseman, letyashtiy
In nedvyzhnom horses.

Our passionate sorrow
Over the mysterious Neva,
We met a rainy day
White night fire.

What gave the flame
It offered us the river!
But these days we called,
And future ages.

Passed oppressive days
To see clearly the coming days
Blue-pink fog.

Pushkin! secret freedom
We sang to you vosled!
Give us a hand in bad weather,
Help us in our mute struggle!

Does not your sounds sweet
Inspired in those years?
Does not yours, Pushkin, joy
It inspires us then?

That's why so familiar
And native to the sound of the heart —
Name of Pushkin House
The Academy of Sciences.

Here's why, in the hours of sunset
Heading into the darkness,
Since white areas of the Senate
I quietly bow to him.

'Pushkin House'. Poem by Alexander Blok, 1925.

Стихотворение «Пушкинскому дому» на английском языке. Автор А. Блок.

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